Businesses Helping Businesses

Athena Alliance
Oct 31, 2018

Through these acts and more, Athena is set to transform what executive development looks like at the highest tiers of an organization. And through that, we seek to achieve diversity in the boardroom, to empower underserved communities and leaders, and to create strong businesses.

Ours is no small mission. But, thankfully, our community is large. Throughout the creation of Athena, we’re grateful that other businesses and influencers have come to us to ask how they, too, can play a part in our mission. These businesses have kindly offered us use of their services, their space, their influence, their software, their connections, and more. We are in awe of the generosity we’ve felt throughout our community and beyond as so many businesses have shown an outpouring of support for what we do.

This collective effort has opened the door for Athena to do more. We can reach more women. We can have a larger impact. We can partner with more organizations. We’re honored to have the following organizations by our side, as partners in our mission and as fellow leaders for change within our global community:

With sincerest gratitude, from all of us at Athena,



Athena Alliance

Activating the connections, knowledge, & opportunities women executives need to lead at their highest level of impact. Learn more: